Incentives for Excellence Technology Grants
The “Incentives for Excellence” Technology Grants were established to directly enhance the instructional process for the benefit of students. For every dollar requested an equal match from a private source is required. Cache Education Foundation’s Board of Directors approve funding for projects that show a direct link to curriculum enhancement and provide long term classroom resources.
Incentives for Excellence Technology Grants are awarded twice per school year. Only Cache County School District K-12 certified teachers and administrators are eligible to apply. And, 9-12 grants are for the core curriculum areas (Language Arts, Math, Science, Health/PE, Arts, World Languages). These grants are available for computers, projectors, digital cameras, scanners, smart boards, etc. Requested Foundation funds are between $250 and $1,500 with deadlines for application on November 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024. Only one grant can be submitted per school per funding round.
Tools For Schools Grants
As the saying goes, “Education is a debt due from the present to future generations”. The Cache Education Foundation couldn’t agree more, and has established an annual “Tools for Schools Grant” to supplement our Cache County classrooms with an arsenal of much-needed books, equipment and supplies. Grant requests are accepted once per year in the amount of $250 or less. Hundreds of teachers and their students benefit from these annual grants. Deadline for application is September 29, 2023.
Just My Wish Foundation
The mission of the Just My Wish Foundation (formerly Jonette Wheeler Program) is to provide support for the advancement of children’s gifted and talented education programs for elementary age school children in the Cache County School District. The Foundation fosters learning and excellence by working with educators, administrators and parents to create fulfilling and academically enriching activities at both the school and district level. In addition, the Just My Wish Foundation recognizes the importance and durability of hard-bound books in the media centers. As a result, they have created a matching grant program.
The purpose of the Just My Wish Gifted & Talented Grant is to provide gifted & talented related resources to K-6 schools in the Cache County School District. Please check with the Gifted & Talented Resource Director at the district office. The deadline for application is November 15, 2022.
The Elementary Media grant’s purpose is to help integrate hard-bound books into the elementary media centers. Matching funds are required. Please check with the Media Resource Director at the district office. The deadline for application is November 15, 2022.
Elementary Gifted & Talented Program
Elementary Media Center Grants